m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

The pair of hybrids were still sharing a room. Selene had tried to coach him to sleep on the bed with her, but waking up from a nightmare after the night on the bed had sent him back underneath, with no amount of persuasion getting him to come back out. He was starting to relax slightly with his time spent in the pack, though he was by no means cheerful and free spirited. His submissions were less fearful, his ears not being completely flattened to his skull when surprised, or at least not squeezed so tight it looked like he didn't have any. He also had started eating more often, instead of waiting until he couldn't last any longer without a meal, eating once every two days. Hadley wasn't aware of this change himself, but it was there. He quietly made the bed Selene had been sleeping in, a small smile on his face. He found that he rather enjoyed her company, whether she was asleep or awake.

A knock on the door sent the large hybrid spinning around. His heart beat rapidly, wondering if he was being summoned. Quickly he smoothed the last of the wrinkles out before edging towards the door. He pulled it open, looking out. There was Selene, standing there with a bottle in one hand. It looked like Selene had just been at the hot spring, still slightly damp. Gulping Hadley opened the door the rest of the way, his ears and tail tucked away politely. He nodded his head, glancing into her eyes briefly before dropping back to the floor. Selene. Come in. Hadley felt incredibly awkward playing the host. He had watched Amy do it countless times, always so seamless in her movements. She always knew what to do to relax the one she was with. Hadley didn't have that skill though, and was left fumbling for something to do. Helplessly he looked at Selene, hoping she would tell him what to do.

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