m- i can't step off this cloud
I'm gonna add the M tag later, just in case. I couldn't today as it was a horrible chaotic rush :O The people around me at work and school are apes...

Selene still wasn't used to the concept of living in Hadley's room for a while, in her eyes she was just a guest, sharing the room for a while. Knocking on the door appeared to be the only way, and there seemed to be no problem with it. For many nights she had tried to have him sleep in the nice soft bed, to enjoy the warmth and comfort she knew. One night the brown hybrid had even threatened to sleep under the bed with him, only to laugh a little and be told that she should stick to the bed. Someday though, Hadley should stay up top with her. It wasn't right or even comfortable to sleep under the bed, she could imagine the aching muscles and disused joints on the hard floor he must have. 

Selene smiled as the door opened and a shy Hadley was seen. Bending over, the girl plucked the second bottle from the floor to hold both of them up shyly, exposing both ribbon-wrapped objects. Stepping modestly into the room, Selene turned to face him, putting both bottles on a small table-like thing. "Today-" Selene began with a smile upon her graceful features, "Is Valentines Day." Sel glanced over to the bottles, and continued gently "A time when people would give the people they cared about gifts. And those...Are for you. And this-" She reached into the pocket of her jeans, pulling out the smooth rock. Gently grabbing one of his massive hands and placing it into his palm. 

The girl grinned and sat herself on the side of the bed, looking at how neat he kept the place. She herself liked order, but had a harder time keeping things that way. The young woman hoped her slightly damp body wasn't going to soil the bed, it would be an awful shame to see that happening.  "How've you been?" Hadley seemed to be becoming much more healthy, his body which was always very massive with muscles seemed more toned. And he definitely seemed to be in happier spirits. Quietly, she rose from the bed. Moving towards her good friend, wrapping her arms around his trunk in a gentle and sweet embrace. "Happy Valentines Day..." 

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