m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

A bright smile greeted his appearance, and he pulled the door wide open. Selene dipped down, picking up two bottles of wine. Bright red ribbons were wrapped around them. It looked very celebratory. He watched Selene step in and place the bottles on the table before turning to face him. He cocked his head curiously as Selene began to talk. He'd never heard of such a holiday before. Selene's explanation sounded very nice. When she said that the bottles were for him though, Hadley's jaw dropped open. A gift? For him? With a sudden panic Hadley realized he had nothing for Selene. His hand was grabbed in the midst of his panic and something dropped into it.

He glanced down, still suffering from the shock of the surprise. A small black rock in the shape of a heart rested in his palm. He studied it carefully, memorizing the details. Hadley placed the stone carefully onto the small table, and turned to look at Selene, surprise still written all over his face. Looking at her he was reminded of how beautiful she was, the damp fur catching the light and highlighting her body as well as if she was standing in a spot light. He ducked his head at her question, letting his arms wrap around her small body as they stood close together. Good. Blinking his eyes in surprise Hadley realized what he said. It was something he hadn't been in a long time, fear always chaining him. He mulled the word around in his head before grinning, a wide smile with no shame. It quickly vanished though, as he held Selene tightly. Happy Valnine Day.

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