A Full Moon Favour

Okay because of my ADD and dyslexia, I would like us to have a posting order. If anyone has an issue please let me know :>
Again if any one would like to change it, please let me know. Sorry for being a pain. It's the only ways in my mind.
WC:: 525

Once again the male had found him-self in trouble, he smelt the kill and was just waiting on the female to finish before he took whatever she left, was that not how the pack system worked? The members ate there share and then once they walked away it was fair game for the Omega?

It wasn’t hard for any one that knew him before he joined this pack that his mind set was different, he was become frightened of his own shadow. He felt like he was to be the shadow of the pack, he was not to be seen, talked to, or even caught around the pack members. The silver male jumped when she came down to lick his maw, the last touch he had felt was the powerful jaws of the black leader coming down on him, then he felt his paw pushing him though the mud. That was the last touch he had. Noah was trying to do his best by staying out of every one’s way, and he was not foolish enough to take a spot in the den till the leaders told him he was allowed to. The male allowed a soft sway of his tail, ”Noah…” The male spoke softly.

Hearing the snarl the silver male yelped as he moved back ward, he did not mean to push what little luck that he had in the pack, he just was going to wait on her to finish the meal and then take whatever was left, eat it and then head back to his little make shift sleeping area he had made.

”He’s right…I’m banned from b…b…being a part of the p…p…pack, while I’m n…n..not allowed to leave the lands e…e..e..either.” The male stood upon his three legs as he stepped back again, making sure not to lift his body to high. The male feared what this white male would do to him. He was scary…part of him made him think of Lucifer, short tempered ill willed, everything about him seemed like the black father that locked him away in a room for days at a time so that he would be able to go and play with the white wolves in the lands.

Having the black lady come, she stepped up and with her power and grace that seemed to come from her, the female pulled the only being to show him any tenderness beside the grey and crimson hooded female leader since he had joined the pack. (He did not count Soran since she was a part of his mother’s live and the silver male wanted to stay far, far away from his mother) These warm and tender touches where something that he missed the most, followed very closely by food; since joining New Dawn.

The male was allowed to have the kill, though to the silver male it shifted, from his to the beta, and so without much more thoughts the silver male walked over to the kill and dropping at the black lady’s feet and moving back ever so quickly, he did not want to be faulted for not following the correct line of eating order.

Noah Sawtooth

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