Bad moon risin’
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Phoenix didn’t like the idea of keeping secrets from his mate. It was hard to, anyway, when they were both telepathically inclined. His life was an open book to her, and vice versa. He would tell her someday, but not until after the shock of losing Firefly had dissipated. It would only hurt her to know that her daughter was still alive out there somewhere but was making no effort to see her again. In the back of his mind Phoenix wondered why they hadn’t heard from Magdalena during her brief time back in Bleeding Souls. Had it been DaVinci’s doing? That would make the most sense. The Alpha of Storm was finding the hybrid boy a convenient scapegoat on whose head he could lay his family troubles.

His reason for coming expended, Phoenix could have easily just left Laruku alone and gone back home. Not that he was adverse to getting to know his Clouded Tears counterpart and cousin-in-law better, but he wasn’t sure just how welcome he was here. The massive male still didn’t feel comfortable enough to lie down, but instead he found himself sitting down awkwardly. As long as Laruku showed an interest Phoenix would stay. “Yeah,” he said with a nod. “Gibraltar said somethin’ ‘bout everyone he cared ‘bout bein’ dead so he couldn’t stay, then ran off an’ left me in charge.”

There was a tinge of bitterness in his voice as he spoke. As much as he once respected Gibraltar, there near the end he’d inevitably lost his youthful awe-like regard for his former alpha. “Th’job keeps me busy, that’s for sure. I got less time t’spend with my family, which is what bugs me th’most. How long did it take you t’get used t’the job?” Perhaps some benefit could be derived from Laruku’s experience. Oddly enough, he was now the longest-standing leader amongst the packs.

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