You and me
Ayasha gave her little brother a smirk at only now noticing her. That meant either he was way too occupied to see her or she was really good at sneaking. Although it was most likely both, she preferred to think that it was her ability to be stealthy. It had served her well in both avoiding their mother and in the war. But she knew that time would come that she wouldn’t be able to hide from her troubles with her mother forever.

Her smirk softened into amusement at how he wasn’t exactly thrilled with seeing her. She didn’t think that Ahiga was still angry with her but whatever. She wanted to hangout with him, hopefully without arguing with him. So she gently shook her head at how much he loved his horse. If he showed that level of care and love to his family, they’d all be happier.

He asked her what she wanted and that he had things to do and she sobered up. She gave a sigh and took a moment to form her words. ”Ahiga. I’m going to need to leave AniWaya soon. I wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t think I was abandoning you like father did or like mom did with leaving you with our uncles. I want to stay but Liam, my boyfriend, won’t be welcome here. So he and I are going to another pack soon.” She kept her gaze steady on him and hoped that he would understand why she was leaving and wouldn’t be too mad at her.

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