how can our voices not be one?

OOC -- Word Count → 487

He was on the tail end of his rounds and was walking slower now, the feeling of excitement ebbing away as the day wore on without a hitch. He secretly wished for an intrusion to demonstrate his prowess, prove to his leaders and to himself that he was worthy of his promotion. He was the only male in New Dawn to receive such a promotion, and couldn’t help but feed his already expanding ego with that fact alone. These were happy days for him at least, but others in his pack were restless. He’d been at the meeting of days passed and saw the punishing of the Omega. Many of his pack were kin to the man, Noah, or had a connection of some kind, but Augustus was free of those bonds. It seemed like years since he was chased away from his true family, despite the passing of mere months, but the man had a new family now. He discarded the old.

He had more reasons to be happy. His playmate, the dark chocolate wolfess- Blind, had come to join him here in his home where he could court her like she deserved. He thought of her now as he set his paws towards the den, hoping she would be there waiting for him. It was then that a sharp yapping voice gave him pause. His ears swiveled like miniature satellites as tried to locate the call. It was purely coyote and the hairs along his scruff and back bristled. He turned around and trotted towards the sound, his yellow eyes suddenly wary. His black dusted tail lifted to the stature of his rank and he stood tall, preparing to face whoever it was that had the gall to disturb the wolf pack.

It seemed a coyote’s prerogative to be nuisances, scavengers and thieves and like his family he did not trust them. They always seemed to push their boundaries, behaving ferociously when they should have been meek and submissive, submitting to their superiors. The last intrusion had been Terra, a friend of his once, he supposed. He remembered the incident all too clearly. Holly was not here now, he could tell, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it was the drew this visitor in. Were the borders not clearly marked? No, that was impossible he’d seen to them himself.

Her scent reached him finally and he lifted his head to track its origination, all the while holding himself tall and proudly as a defender of New Dawn. When he glimpsed her petite tawny figure sitting just beyond the border did a growl rise in his throat. If she’d been uneasy, on her feet and pacing, he would not have bestirred himself so, but something about how casually she sat there disturbed him. "Coyote." He growled in greeting, hackles and tail raised. "This is the territory of New Dawn, your kind is not welcome here."

Take the light and darken everything around me. Call the clouds, and listen closely I'm lost without you...

template by revo. <3


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