m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

Selene was so gentle, asking for nothing more than hugs as payment for the great gifts that she'd given him. In reply he hoisted Selene into his arms for a moment before lowering her back down. All the hugs you wish. It was the least he could do. The wine sounded like a good idea, and Hadley studied them for a moment. Realizing he'd be drinking it as well Hadley ducked his head. He wasn't very well mannered when drunk, returning to being the canine he once was. Hadley wasn't so sure he wanted Selene to see that crude side of him, the part that hid his kindness in crude movements and cruder jokes. Before he could protest though, Selene had taken the bottles, placing them on the bed. Well, it wasn't really his place to protest anyways. It couldn't be that bad. He'd just be careful drinking.

The wine bottles were placed on the far side, forcing Hadley to climb onto the bed beside Selene to reach them. That was probably the point, the hybrid working hard to get him to come out from under the bed. He took a bottle, gingerly inserting a claw into the top to pull the cork out. Glancing at Selene to make sure this was alright his jaw dropped as Selene removed the clothes she'd been wearing. Granted, Selene usually wore as much as he did; nothing. Seeing her remove it was something else though. Selene didn't mean anything by it though, quickly apologizing. He ducked his head, shaking it briefly to show there was no need to apologize. A sound of contentment escaped her, bringing a smile to Hadley's face. He liked knowing she was happy. Hadley quickly pulled the cork out and passed the opened bottle to Selene, turning to open the other one for himself. With both bottles open he raised his. Happy Valtine's Day. He tipped the bottle back, taking a sip.

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