m- i can't step off this cloud
Selene let out a jubilant laugh as she was scooped gently into the air, only to be gently placed back down. It was great, how she could be so free spirited around Hadley, it was just great! The smile upon her face didn't falter as she glanced over to Hadley who seemed fairly happy to be in her company. "Good...I like your hugs." Sel chuckled softly. Chortling a soft laugh. The girl snuggled into the bed as he went to the other side with the bottle, popping off the cork and taking a swig. It was lucky though, knowing that Hadley didn't mind the almost scandalous removal of the clothes, but she had no alterior motives for now. And at least he knew that.

It seemed very enjoyable, the way the unopened wine mixed with the air for the first time in who knew how many years. He passed one of the bottles to her, for a moment the young woman felt hesitation. Intoxication wasn't something she knew all too well, but the hybrid gratefully took the wine. "Thanks. Memories of happy times, holidays she had thought were gone forever had resurfaced. 

Sel took a long sip of the fine wine, slowly letting the flavor burst over her tastebuds. She closed her eyes in contentment, as she felt a small buzz start to grow. It would be a while until she became drunk, but at least she was relaxed. She moved slowly across the bed, nestling herself close to his body with her muzzle resting by his neck. Selene smiled before letting her tail thump against the once-flawless sheets. Nuzzling into his chest, Selene quietly murmured "Happy Valentines Day Hadley." 

Being so close was comforting, a beautiful feeling for the multihued coydog. Letting a happy whine slip her sleek maw, Selene lifted her head to take another sip of the wine. "I hope today is special. I want to remember this."

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