m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

Hadley watched Selene sip delicately at the bottle before lifting his own for a long swig. Selene shifted across the bed, ending up snuggling next to Hadley. He nuzzled her briefly, arm wrapping around her body. Taking another drink he gazed down at her quietly. There wasn't really anything to look at in the room, leaving him to study the hybrid contentedly. Selene burrowed her head into his chest, bringing a small growl from Hadley, enjoying her touch. Realizing what had escaped he quickly lifted the bottle, taking another deep drink. He didn't want to frighten her.

A happy whine slipped from Selene's jaws, bringing a soft rumble of laughter from Hadley. Her words brought out another one on top of that. If you want to remember today you shouldn't have brought wine. Already the alcohol was working, relaxing Hadley and giving him the courage that he lacked when sober. He was partly aware of himself, each time looking away, startled by his actions and hoping that Selene wouldn't hit him because he was being rude.

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