A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina still didn't feel good. Her body ached and she sneezed, and the weather was so cold. The black pup couldn't feel the dry warmth of the beginnings of spring, her body huddled down in the nursery. That didn't mean she was going to remain still. Hearing her Papa nearby had Dalgina dragging out of the room. Battling how much she hurt Dalgina stepped outside. Her body shivered as the coldness of outside hit her. She wanted to be with Papa. Nothing was going to stop her.

Bravely the little pup worked her way through the grounds before finally reaching where Papa stood, stacking wood. A sneeze announced her presence, Dalgina's little tail wagging hopefully. Papa! Eagerly she bounded towards him, stumbling slightly in the snow before she reached his legs. She pawed at them happily, wanting up. Papa! I help! Dalgina could do that. She could drag sticks, like she had with Kiara when making a tree.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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