m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

Hadley smiled as Selene fumbled with the bottle, trying to drink deep. Hadley's movements were clumsy as he pulled Selene close, cradling her in his arms. She dissolved into him, kissing him back. Hadley was glad that alcohol didn't make him as clumsy as it did most people, leaving his kissing skills in tact. He smiled at Selene's giggling words. A weakness? I found a whole boatload. The tiny female's tongue darted out, catching at Hadley's muzzle as she nuzzled down lower. He growled happily, bending down over her protectively.

Somehow Selene managed to escape his grasp, ending up on the floor. She clambered back onto the bed, nipping at his chest playfully. He couldn't bite her, though Hadley did grab her ear and tug it softly. The pain Selene invoked brought flashing nightmares through his mind, though it faded as she wrapped herself around him, a big present waiting to be opened. Happily Hadley obliged, his hands stroking her back softly as he kissed her, leaving a trail down her neck.

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