m- i can't step off this cloud
Warning signs flashed in the girl's mind as he kissed down her neck. What if it went too far? She seriously had to stop being like this, pushing opportunities away every time there was a manageable window. Selene returned the nuzzles, the small kisses. What were they? Could they really be called lovers? Or was it a one night sort of thing? Confusion momentarily flickered over the petite coywolf's expression, but faded as quickly as it had come. Again, it felt like they were back at the hotsprings, the same cloaking feeling that she had felt when they had kissed in the steamy area. 

Hadley tugged on her ear affectionately, and another giggle escaped her lips. Nobody had done that before. Selene shivered as his hand travelled up her back, she never had known that it was such a sensitive spot. Sel felt hesitation despite her slight intoxication. "Hadley...I-" The young woman tried to tell him of her incompetence. Those men on the ship, they had taken so much from her. Although physically not a virgin, mentally you may as well call her one. 

Selene snuggled back right into his arms, if anything were to happen at all...He'd have to show her. She kissed his neck softly, letting her tongue gently graze his fur. The young woman waved her tail in contentment. Everything was alright now...And hopefully for a while. She lifted the bottle to her lips and took the last swig available. Finishing it off slowly. Again she said "I hope this is a nice Valentines Day for you Hadley."

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