m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

Selene pressed into him as they kissed, a sound reminder of how breasts felt as they rubbed against his chest. A growl of pleasure slipped from her jaw, exciting Hadley. Her hands clutched his fur, and Hadley pulled Selene closer, moving away from the kiss to trail down her neck. Falling at her breasts Hadley began to kiss there softly, not wanting to do anything unwanted. He moaned happily before pulling back again. He rested as she listened to the sound of his heart, starting to race with excitement. It would be the first time in a long time he'd willingly been with someone.

Selene gazed up at Hadley, her fiery red eyes meeting his gentle brown ones. Even with passion running through him Hadley was caring, wanting to do nothing more than please those around him. You are a sweet little creature. Echoing his thoughts Hadley reached down, tongue snaking out to lick her nose. He let himself be pushed back as Selene crawled on top of him, hands caressing her beautiful body. Selene leaned down, kissing him. Hadley's body arched up, growing excited. The beginnings of an erection could be seen.

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