Luperci, PhD?
I think the jobs like lawyers and therapists call for an even more developed society than what we could realistically assume Europe has (any other SA'ers correct me if I'm wrong), because these require a lot of social development, not just technological development. As far as I understood the resources we have on Europe, we're talking about (primarily) technological advancement. I don't think education systems would be very well-developed, either, if we follow the same line, as government may not be developed, even. Thus a PhD would be unlikely. Freetown would be less developed than Europe, so this would go there as well. Modern medicine would also likely not be up to what we have now (realistically), simply because even if they can read they haven't had that many generations to assimilate all this information into their own culture.

Mechanics would totally work, though! Anything related to technology and such. Crazy inventors etc ;D

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