All's fair in war and peace

Strel gave a rolling laugh as he adjusted the position of his legs. "I certainly think so. But I've been here for more than two years. This is my third winter here." Strel certainly loved his home plenty. It was where he had now lived for more than half his life and it was the place he had felt the most freedom. Where else would he have risen higher? The court may have been a faint shadow of itself from the days he had joined, but he knew that things would change soon enough. Things were simply getting more spread out in the area. Things would be okay, he knew it would be okay.

Trent sat himself down oddly. The position was something more akin to a new Luperci than one born into the trait. Strel furrowed a brow at the man though he did not ask about the man's new condition. Strel had never sat like that, unless he had been too tired to sit properly. Had he sat like that as a pup approaching his first year? No, unlikely.

Alder had spoken to Trent? Well, that was a great thing he had done, for certain. "We are glad to have you, Trent," he said with a smile, making a note to thank Alder. "Alder is the half-brother of one of my closet friends, he is a good man and good with the horses." Without Anann to tend them, Alder had more or less taken over the task of caring for the horses. Strel eyed the newcomer carefully, tilting his head ever so slightly. "How long have you been turned?" he asked, tactlessly and forgetting his earlier choice to leave it unasked.

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