m- i can't step off this cloud

OOC here!

Selene grabbed him in a kiss. Their tongues tangled together until the need for air forced them apart. Looking down Hadley thought that Selene was the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. Lost in the drive to keep moving forward all rational thought was lost. He entered her, and that first rush was amazing. Quickly he began to thrust, keeping them gentle so that he wouldn't hurt her. A growl slipped past him as Selene called his name, and the hours flew.

Something soft touched him, bringing Hadley from the drunken sleep into something shallower, more soothing. He began to dream. It started out quite good, reliving what happened last night. Halfway through Selene became Amy though. She was laughing wildly as she held Hadley in place, starting to hurt him. Hadley thrashed uselessly in her grip, the claws going deeper, until he jolted up, maw open in a scream that would never escape.

Fearfully he looked around, expecting the quiet of the wagon and Amy, laying there, eyes open with anger at being disturbed. He wasn't there though. Confused he looked around, noting the bottles and the small bed he was crammed in. The touch of another hadn't gone away. Thinking the worst had happened, that Amy was waiting for him to notice her and begin a new game, Hadley looked down. It wasn't Amy. Relief ran through him like a tidal wave. It was Selene. Sniffing the air Hadley immediately felt guilty. He'd been given nice presents, and ended up using her. Disappointed in himself he looked away. He'd never meant to hurt Selene. Ever.

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