by my seventh shot i was invincible.

Word Count :: 311 XDDD

She had attempted to compose herself to sleep, though the images in her head proved to be a nuisance. Finding slumber impossible, Lilin had spent the night tossing and turning, trying to drown out the sounds of primal nature: Barrett's lovemaking or rather, his meaningless midnight romp. She had seen and heard entirely too much. The exact time of the woman's departure was uncertain, the newest Hilsburn resident had done everything in her power to keep herself from looking out her window. The last scene she'd laid eyes on involved a female making good use of her hips on top of her landlord and while she'd been shocked at first, watching more than what was intended, Lilin had done a fairly good job keeping to herself, retiring to the confinements of her room for the rest of the night.

Somewhere between dark and light, the earliest rays of sunlight brought forth a new day. Particles of dust glistened brightly as dawn snuck into her living quarters where she would've been asleep, had it not been for the nocturnal ordeal she had involuntarily partaken in. Eyelids half open, revealing a now tarnished blue, Lilin lingered where she lay longer than she would have on a normal day. It was only when she finally mustered up the courage to peer through her window again, over the dead treeline, that she decided to go outside and greet her companion's forlorn silhouette.

"Barry," First came his name, once hushed and barely audible, then a second time; this time louder with plenty more conviction. "Barrett!" she barked, poking what she assumed to be his ribs with her right foot. It was hard to tell in this situation, seeing as he was conveniently shielding himself from the outside world with a blanket. He was enclosed in an aura of alcohol and drugs; it made her stomach churn.

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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