[M]On a pedestal of my own making
<3 Fae for this new table. A drunk Neela is a less freaking out Neela.

Neela giggled quietly at Tony's awkwardness, running a reassuring palm over his shoulder when he started stuttering. Normally such a happening would have set off alarm bells in Neela's mind, along with the insecurities linked to said bells, but with the warm glow of alcohol fuzzing her mind Neela simply took the compliment at face value, subconsciously feeling gratified that a younger wolf saw her appearance fit to compliment.

Still while she appreciated the compliment that didn’t mean Neela wasn't going to take the opportunity to tease, especially in her inebriated state. Letting a sly smile grace her muzzle Neela leaned in close to Tony, her muzzle an inch away from his, "Oh? Pretty am I?" Neela kept her tone and eyes neutral for a few seconds with a hint of danger to her voice, letting Tony sweat, before letting her smile widen and spread to her eyes, her voice happy and sweet as honey, "Why thank you!" She darted forward, tapping the side of her nose to Tony's before backing off, returning to her earlier position, letting out a barking laugh before taking another swig of whiskey.

Neela's ears dropped as Tony remarked on her scar, a quiet whine escaping her for a split second before she clamped down on it, "Yah, she did. Got er back jus' as good though." Neela's teeth flashed for a second as she thought back to the blow she had struck the blonde dog, raking her knives down the other females back. Neela didn't typically take pleasure in the pain of others but there had been a hint of poetic justice to see the one who had hurt Kiara so howling in pain like that. Neela calmed herself in time to hear Tony's remark, "Mos' likely yeah, mos people do. Its tha.. tha" Neela took a moment to collect her thoughts, "Its tha price we pay ta keep those we care about safe innit?" Not as eloquent as normal, Neela thought as she took a swig of whiskey, but it got the message across.

Neela tilted her head to the side at Tony's question, "Me? I live up north, in a pack called Ichika no Ho-en. Wha'bout you?" Neela leaned over, bumping her nose against Tony's shoulder and sniffing, "Ya've got a pack scent about ya but not one tha I recognise."

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