Can't escape
WC: 251
OOC: I'm sorry this took a while to reply to forgive mee!!!

Shawchert watched her, staring as she pulled out herbs and even an apple. His mouth watered at the sight, but the thought of poison came to him. It seemed she thought he was thinking the same thing for she took out a knife, which made him flinch and scootch back a little further. She didn’t aim it at him, but cut the apple and the root. If he could have his tongue would be licking at his muzzle in hunger right now. He remained motionless, still scared, not sure what she would have to do to make him better, but he watched her with quiet apprehension. If this were Sky he would trust her with every bit of his being, but though she spoke kindness, he wasn’t sure if it was an act, or if the only terrible wolf there was the woman who had taken him in.

He moved slightly closer now, a sign saying he would let her help him. He could not say anything, nor did he wish to. His silence was filling the whole place. Shawchert blinked, trying to hide the pain he felt as he even moved that small inch. He held his breath, but he looked right at her, his ice blue eyes trying to see through her and see what she would do before she did it. Of course that wouldn’t work, but it might still make her feel slightly uncomfortable. It didn’t matter to him. He just wanted out of here.

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