Roses Are Red
<style>@import url(;</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 370
OOC: Hope you don't mind me hopping in. Sorry about the lame ending. Sad

Jiva was enjoying a nice quiet day of relaxing, well mostly, he was resting, though he had been scouting with the hawk that was his companion. He was keeping an eye out for their food. It was too big for him to hunt alone, much less with a smaller hawk, but if he could find a partner he knew the general direction of the beasts. Yawning he rolled on his back and stretched. Letting the snow seep into his fur underneath him as he pretended the rays of the sun bore down on him. The rays weren’t there, however, for the clouds covered the sun and kept the warmth to themselves. He was nearly dozing off when he heard the call from an unknown wolf. Immidiately Jiva turned over and hurried to the call. He was slightly dizzy from the quick movement, but he got over that quick enough. The young man needed to be more of a part of the pack, and now he would be.

Once he saw the woman at the borders he saw her as the leader of the pack nearest them. He had never visited there but he had been at the meeting where he had learned of Noah’s disgrace. He had seen her and a few others there, though he had been quiet the whole time. Swallowing hard, he moved forward. His actions needed to be delicate, as he knew this was a leader, yet she was also on the lands that he called home. He moved closer, his head high, but only high enough to show he was that of the pack, but he showed his sign of appreciation for a leader. Watching her he gave her a smile.

“Hello, have you come to see one of the leaders?”

His voice was quiet, kind and yound. His tail wagged behind him, not high, but not low either, and it curled up. Something natural that happened with his mothers’ side. He gave the woman a kind smile; hoping his actions were suited for her. He was conscience of every move he made for he knew now that any move he made could be taken one way or another.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

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