Now if she touches like this

Don't make me change my mind.

Lately she'd had more patients than ever, Khaden having brought Ember in. She hadn't realized how badly hurt the girl had been when she had come in before, so she hadn't thought ahead, to infection. Ember's shoulder was very, very badly infected--she'd been surprised that the Dahlia wolf had even been concious. That much pain...Naniko hadn't had to deal with pain for a while, and wouldn't have to for another month or so, hopefully.

She tried to arrange the sheet, jumping up onto the couch to tug at the corners. She had made sure that things would be availiable to her in her four legged form a week or so earlier, putting all the herbs on the bottom shelves and carrying all of the sheets downstairs to a different, lower cupboard in preparation.

She saw Conri and her tail wagged a bit. She wasn't sure how he would take the news, if it'd be good or bad this time...but either way she'd have to tell him eventually. Soon she'd be getting pretty big. "I'd love some help. I need to put a second sheet over this couch...they usually bleed through the first"


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