Lessons to Learn

OOC:: Longest. OOC. Note. Ever. xD Happy Valentine’s Day! Haha, and hooly long post. D: -intimidated- But apparently my muse wants to match your muse like Ciara wants to match Augustus. >.> WC: 800!

In Character

Ciara tilted her head back and let loose a short howl of her own, harmonizing with her companion and letting joy pour forth into the sound. She was elated that Augustus was going to help her hunt, and she knew that it would serve to prove to the pack that she could be of use. The subordinate had always had an interest in hunting, right from the time she’d been left alone. While she’d never had the courage to go after big game – a lucky thing, she was quickly finding out – she always spent her days hunting things more to her standards when she wasn’t travelling. The girl already knew how to gather scents and track, for the most part, even though hunting in the snow was something new to her. She could follow along behind prey silently, and knew what behaviour to watch for, often spying on her prey for days before lunging. The hardest thing she’d ever had to kill was a weasel, scrappy little things that they were, but she remembered the triumph that had coursed through her as her muzzle was bathed in the vanquished rodent’s blood.

The yearling kept pace with Augustus, always being mindful to flank the male rather than pass him. A deeply embedded instinct kept reminding her that he was the dominant one here, and she would do well to watch his movements. So watch she did. Her golden flecked eyes took in the easy way in which the wolf moved, paws steadily digging into the dirt to propel his muscular frame along in a leisurely canter. Ciara was enjoying the ability to stretch her own muscles, for she knew that she was gaining some. Her frequent trips around the adjacent territories kept her constantly moving, constantly learning. She could rattle off any species of plant or animal in the multiple areas surrounding New Dawn’s borders, as well as all species within. Every inch of the pack grounds had her scent now; she’d made sure of that, wanting to integrate herself into the pack life as much as possible. She had also taken to going for swims in the ocean as she had when she was a mere pup. The activity built up her strength, and as the mottled female began to finally reach her full grown size, she became more and more lithe and athletic. She knew she was strong, and she wanted to use that strength to better the pack.

She also enjoyed having the scent of the ocean in her fur. She had grown up that way on the coast of Newfoundland, always smelling of ocean, and that was how she’d arrived in New Dawn. The subordinate had stuck to the coast during her travels, following the huge entity that she felt so reliable. The only sight she trusted more than the ocean was the moon, that beloved sphere that lit up the sky and so often guided the girl on her way. She felt almost sad that they were performing this hunt in the daytime, as her mind travelled to images of the two wolves sprinting across a blanket of freshly fallen snow, guided towards their prey by the glittering of the moon.

Just as that thought was crossing her young mind, her companion and mentor suddenly shot ahead of her in a burst of speed. Without a sound, merely an excited grin, Ciara lowered herself and dug her claws into the earth below her. This was exactly what she’d been hoping for, the chance to run, to use her building muscles and stamina. Celerity was another thing the young female was increasingly blessed with as she matured, and it took her little time to catch up to the Epsilon. She allowed herself a moment of pride, having not expected to be able to match the male’s pace. Her limbs, while shorter than Augustus’, were powerful in a feminine way and she managed to keep stride with him. The subordinate never tried to exceed the speed of her teacher, thinking on that as a mark of disrespect, but she wasn’t about to be shown up, either.

They were just beginning to crest a familiar hill, when her nose picked up the scent of nearby prey. The herd wasn’t so close that they had to immediately slow down before giving themselves away, so Ciara kept running at the same speed, her nose in constant alignment with the Epsilon’s shoulder. She would slow down when he signalled it, and as the excitement of the prey’s proximity hit her, she mentally prepared herself for this lesson. If she was going to be a hunter like she wanted, then she would need to excel in this.

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