I am a sovereign prince of Egypt

Word Count ::

The golden prince had moved closer to the woman he had to admit. that she was interesting. "Turkey hmmm never know of this place." He spoke as he looked at the desert rose. He had to see if he could find books that would tell him more of this land. He had to learn more though he was more interested in why she was out here watching him.

He was not sure on what to say or do she seemed more at ease in this world and the golden prince was not. He was used to being the slave and fallowing what ever Pharaoh had to say. Imhotep smiled a bit though he wondered if he should tell the woman his name. If she knew things of his religion he wondered what other things her mother had taught her like their language.

He paused for a moment and smiled. "Imhotep Aabt" He spoke it was a slaves name his father had been Imhotep the first and he was the second but Aabt meant slave he was the slave the property of his father. "Cairo" He answered.

Image courtesy of I don't know o.o; table by the Mentors!

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