A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

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Papa scooped Dalgina high into the air, bringing a joyful laugh from the tiny pup. His hand ruffled her head. It hurt a little, touching the sensitive spots near her ears, but she liked being with her papa too much to do more than flinch slightly. Happily she licked him, her tongue rasping over large calloused hands. Papa was so strong, though he was a lot less scary than Mahn when she was mad. Happy. She licked her nose, trying to clear the gunk away from it.

Papa's words had Dalgina shaking her head as quickly as she could. She had to stop pretty quickly, since it made her head hurt. No! I help! Her tail wagged happily as he laughed, assuring her that he would let her stay. Snuggled in his arms Dalgina twisted around, looking at the wood that Papa had piled up. It looked rather plain and boring. Remembering what Kiara had told her she looked at Papa. Is dead sticks? That was very important. They weren't supposed to take sticks that were still alive.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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