Above this world, now back again

feel free to PP Angel, though bearing in mind he has a history of fighting and is very large/muscled

Word Count → 000

And so the games began. Icy blue orbs swivelled as the leader of this prison pack lunged for another member of his group, and to another female heading for someone else. Their marks were not recognised by Angel, who was a machine, now in battle, he only saw the oncoming attacks before he himself was targeted. His attacker was another female, young, nothing he could not handle. She came at him with knives and with a solid swing of his head at the right time, using the bulk of his head and neck to deflect the blow to the side. Of course, there was some injury too, streaks of blood dripped lightly from where the knives had impacted. But Angel didn't feel the sting as adrenaline had sealed his nerves. Obviously for the better.

Recovering quickly from the attack with a few deep, hurried breathes, he leapt forward at the girl snapping his teeth at her aiming at the legs to hopefully disable her for a moment, but missing most of the time, despite his closeness. Angel swiped his claws at her too, some hit her and some missed thought even though his aim had been direct, the impact had proven very little.

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