Can't Touch This

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

Settling down again Amy looked at her distended stomach worriedly. They might still be some days off, but Amy didn't want to risk having them come early and end up injured. Especially when she was in such a delicate condition. Her ears pricked as a whispered promise of protection reached her. She nodded her head as she turned, facing Shadow. The one who's protection had been purchased for the rare sword on his back. His promise of friendship made her uneasy as she tried to keep him at arm's length, but she needed his protection. Amy couldn't deny how weak the pregnancy had made her.

Nodding her head she shifted around so that he could climb in and find a place that would allow him to protect her easily. Raoth's ears flicked back at the noise. Hearing that someone else was there he dropped his grip on the horse and set off at a run. Roaring Amy twisted around. He couldn't escape! The slave was heading straight for Anathema, a place that she couldn't follow him to. Grumbling she worked her way to the front of the wagon. Her pride was at stake here. Grabbing a bow Amy clicked the horse into a run, following the escapee. The horse ran straight after him. Dropping the reins Amy hoisted the bow, and shot him through the leg. Raoth stumbled down, and Amy pulled the wagon to a halt. Nervously she looked over. They were too close for her to be comfortable now.


Table by Alex

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