[M]On a pedestal of my own making
Neela gets touchy-feely when drunk ^^

"This sure is th' life, eh?"

"Aye."Neela raised her bottle in a mock salute at Tony's words, taking a heavy swig of whiskey as she lowered it. The alcohol his her hard , momentarily reminding Neela that she was drinking strong stuff, before that concern vanished in a pleasant haze. Absently Neela noticed that Tony's stature put him at a good height besides her despite his position on the rock and took advantage of this, shuffling over to rest her head on his shoulder, stretching out to give him a lick along the cheek.

The whiskey was making her feel warm and tired and Tony's fur was soft against her ear but Neela was enjoying the company so she forced herself to stay awake, though she couldn’t stop a long yawn breaking free from her mouth as Tony commented on her pack. "S' one way'a sayin it." She mumbled good-naturedly in response, lowering the volume of her voice now that she was closer to Tony's ear. "Casa. Hmmm I think ah've heard'a that place. You know a guy called Wayne? Big fella, blonde fur?"

Neela slipped one arm around Tony's waist to support herself. Once she had done so she lost track of the limb somehow and began to run her hand slowly up and down Tony's side in an unthinking, automatic motion, claws unsheathed and lightly tickling the flesh beneath Tony's fur. Neela's mind was taken up with other matters as she tried to work around the alcohol in her system and examine the other part of Tony's statement. "Sole? That like an alpha?" Neela guessed, thinking that anybody who fathered a son as large as Tony was likely strong enough to at least contest leadership of a pack. Neela's mind latched onto the idea of parents and went with it with all the grace of a drunken dog, "You get on well with yer parents?" She asked, muzzle turned upwards curiously to catch Tony's answer.

Neela's ear twitched against Tony's shoulder as thinking about parents brought her to her own, "Never got to know my da, he died before I was born an well, my mother…" Neela snarled angrily at the thought of her mother, a whispered "Bitch." falling from her lips.

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