Let the Past Fall Away

As discussed, Ezekiel will attack her in his next post and chase her off.

The patrol route was one often taken on horseback, but Ezekiel favored his four legs as often as he did two. With the easy lope of the coyote his distance was great but without much issue. His steps carried him across various trails, flattened by thousands of other steps taken before. Fresh powder was quickly pressed down by various paws and hooves, and he was pleased by this. His good mood, however, did not last long—as he neared a rise he caught a scent that made his fur bristle.

It was an instinctive reaction, one given for any perceived danger. This was not to say he considered the girl dangerous, but she was most certainly the worst sort of annoyance. Helotes’ punishment had laid the law down for the rest of the clan, and now he would truly need to seek out her leaders. They had done nothing, and now again, here she was.

Stiff legged, black fur along his back all on end, Ezekiel approached her. A single sharp command was given. Leave,” he growled, tail high. There was no time to humor some brat that couldn’t learn to show proper respect.

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