the oracle at Delphi
Bleh-post. Sorry. :\

The lines between pack and family had always been a little blurred from Poe's angle. For loyalty, or for those tangled blood-ties that knit together the better part of Chimera, their roles in her life had been similar and overlapping. It was a lonely, freeing thing to feel only the memory of those guiding arms around her these days, and in that moment that real flesh and fur wrapped around her, the lonely was accented. Which was was disconcerting in itself, and led her to tighten her hold on that figure of pack-family for a second before throwing herself back from him a step. The muttle of emotion bled into her smile as she examined the face that looked scuffed with age. Or loss, perhaps. The only familiar scent that she had pushed her face into a second before was her haggard mother's, it seemed.

"Buccaneer and Miniature Highness of the Seas!" she accounced with theatrical flare, tossing her long bangs (briefly) from off of her right eye. "It made for a wonderful adventure, but I'm not sure if I can say I'm entirely suited to it. I never tracked down anyone from the old Chimera lot, after all. Well, until coming back here obviously," she said with an amused little smirk that narrowed her eyes into dark, playful slits aimed at Ahren's surreal red gaze. They didn't startle her the way they once had, when he had seemed like a flesh and blood ghost of the under-concrete-world. Despite the buzz of excitement that radiatted from her, his presence was a comforting one to the D'Angelo girl. "And what about you? What's the story between setting sail to France, and wandering into your old barn?" Bedtime, campfire, whispered and shouted, she always wanted stories. They always told more than just a tale, partciularly if you were looking for soemthing more than just that. And when it came to Ahren, she often was. Their lives had for quite soem time, been tied to one another from just beyond arm's length. The family, friends and place that took them from one thing to another were often shared.

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