thou shall not commit adultery
The small woman had watched the interaction between her lord and her young ward. She quietly nodded to the small boy when he looked to her for a moment when Ezekiel spoke of the prey in the fields. She smiled slightly and nosed him along the way as he slowly began to creep off into the grey gold grasses in search of another small creature to battle to the death. She spoke of it to no one but she saw so much of the boy's father in his actions and ways. She wasn't certain if that was a good thing or not considering the inner wars her sibling was always fighting. She had sensed a darkness coming over her older brother when they last parted and she now hoped that it had just been another one of his moods and not a sign for the future, but the appearance of Timori worried her. She could almost believe the story Firefly gave her but it seemed to have a shadow cast over it as well, just as her brother's life always had.

She had been lost in thoughts dark and fierce when she realized that Ezekiel had begun to speak. At the mention of Helotes name she blushed slightly, thinking of the moment in time they had shared, but in the blink of an eye these thoughts were shattered as ice seemed to freeze her heart. Two names uttered together she never wanted to hear was what her master had to grant her. She couldn't stop her ears from pinning back against her skull as she turned to face Ezekiel. Her voice was hard as steel as she asked. "Are.. you certain." her tiny fangs were bared as she let that name slip off her tongue. [b["Halo..."[/b] She said it once, but it seemed to echo in her mind, shattering her previous thoughts and digging in and rooting to the dislike and hatred to the woman who had marked her a traitor so long beforehand.

Once perhaps she would have broken down right there and wept, perhaps, if it had been any other woman she would still, but the simple fact was if what Ezekiel spoke was the truth then Helotes had crossed a line that was far deadlier to cross with Zana than any other promise, vow or deal. She closed her eyes for a moment, her fingers curving around one of the dangerous little darts she always had on her person, the poison was deadly but over time the woman had developed a tolerance to it's effects and she wasn't exactly worried about what would happen if she pricked herself..but that didn't mean she wasn't thinking of another who's heart she'd like to pierce...

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