picture perfect smiles

Alarice watched the small black shells path as Endy tossed it, silent for a time with her eyes fixed upon the small dark object a few feet away. Endy had seemed so sure that he had finally caught his fathers trail, and hearing Endy say he had not found him surprised Alarice. Letting her eyes travel back to her nephew Alarice raised her head and offered a small smile. Perhaps you were not meant to have found him. Not everything can turn out the way we would have liked or envisioned, that is the downfall of fate sadly. Having noticed his small frown she did not bother to press the situation further, and quickly changed the subject.

Besides, you have me and your mother, and a bunch of young siblings running around to keep you occupied. Chuckling she looked back towards the ocean. Maybe you'll even find a lady friend to keep you on your toes. She added, glancing sidelong with a coy expression in place.


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