M-Yours You Say

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Word Count :: +000

Amy looked over Selene carefully. There were wounds on the female. Worry crossed her face as she considered the meaning of this. Amy didn't know if Selene had been tracked down and forced to agree to putting another family in charge of the inheritance, or if she had been in a fight and lost badly. She knew the young female was weak. If Selene had been demoted in her place, turned to a slave, Amy could send the message to her family, allowing them to properly take control of the alliances left behind, securing a shaky political future and promising wealth beyond imagining.

Selene's ears flattened at Amy's questions, causing the dog's eyes to narrow. Something was going on, and it wasn't something she would like. Anger swelled through her as Selene told her that she and Hadley shared a room. How dare they treat an heiress like that, placing her in the same room as a slave! The hesitancy, the way Selene backed away, quickly melted the indignant anger, turning it into suspicion. You aren't a slave, are you? There was no other reason for the lowly behavior that she could imagine.


Table by Alex

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