just set them up to knock them down (joining)

Erebus did not hold eye contact with the man as he spoke, though he listened very closely, absorbing every word that was spoken. Though he might try to deny it, Erebus thought that the place sounded like somewhere he could fit in. He was rebellious in many ways and had low tolerance level for many rules and anything at all that tried to confine him. The place seemed free but close-knit, and maybe it would be good for his social skills. Still, he was hesitant on whether or not to announce his interest. How did that work, anyway? His eyes darted up and down, left and right, taking pictures in his mind of the lands, it was a place he might like. As Laurel introduced himself, Erebus nodded, speaking up for the first time, "Erebus," he announced, making eye contact with Laurel only as his name was spoken. "So..." he began, rather informally, "How many people have you got living with you?" he asked, trying to make conversation that might lead to an invitation, or at least an opening for him to ask permission to join.

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