darling, you are so dear to me.
Jasper had been feeling fairly weak for the last few days, eating less and less and sleeping even more than he should have been. At least, that was the case when someone didn't come along and wake him, he would probably have slept forever if left alone. Today, it was the quiet voice of his lover that roused him, causing something of a happy groan mixed with a purring sound to leave him. Jasper shifted carefully, not bothering to open his eyes, rolling toward Laurent until his head rested against his lover's chest. Nuzzling that spot, he pulled his knees close to himself, snuggling his arms between himself and Laurent.

"It's morning time already?" He asked quietly, voice groggy and slightly broken. It wasn't a bad thing of course, it meant that it was time to spend the day with his mate, but Jasper still felt as if he'd only gotten about an hours worth of sleep.


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