[M]On a pedestal of my own making

out of character text

'Mhh' Tony hummed sleepily, sitting up slightly. 'Yeah. Mebbe we'll 'ave a candle lit dinner too, eh?' he prompted, half serious and half joking. He wouldn't mind that at all in actual fact. It didn't even have to be candle lit, it was enough to just be able to spend time with Neela. It was a shame she lived in Ichika though, it was some ways off and trips there would have to be spaced out. And he couldn't be gone for too long, because he had work to do in the Casa pack lands. He was already aiming for the blacksmith co-rank and with that came a shop he'd have to find time to fix up. He'd manage it some how, right?

'Y' need any help getting back to Ichika?' he asked, before adding, 'Or are y' staying here somewhere?' Either way his aim was to walk her 'home'. He still hadn't made his mind up whether he was staying at the festival, or going home. It was late and he was not only tired, but drunk. Perhaps it would be inadvisable to travel home in this state. Not jsut because of the troubles along the way, but in fear of what his Dad would say if he saw his son hammered beyond believe and rambling about some strange girl

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