Can't Touch This

ooc Arogant Aeron is arogant

Aeron Ganesa

It was like nothing in the world was wrong today. She had spent the day at her own pace and now before her was a demon with what seemed to be an henchman. She smiled white teeth glistened as she looked at Amy. Why did she dare to be so close to Anathema?

she had heard Amy make a snide remark to Mido and she wondered how the man would react. Aeron no longer was going to allow the golden mutt to annoy her. She moved forward her white cape shifted as she raised a hand to pull back the gold adorned hood. Golden eyes looked at the black male and then at Amy. I see you were to scared to come here with out a male to protect you." She spoke her voice was calm. She was surprised that she was able to keep her cool. Maybe she had finally gotten herself to balance out.

Aeron looked at Mido as she smiled. He was one of the few who had heard the direct order from Naniko and Aeron knew he would not displease her. I thought last time we told you that you are nothing compared to the pack. Any member here has more worth and more right then you do. She spoke. Amy knew nothing of Anathema ranks Aeron knew that. She held a high rank yes not a leader but there was no way that Amy could know that and standing here she stood as one.

Mido would you like to bring Naniko her head? She asked smiling. She was rather amused as she chuckled then heard the dark wolf speak. She smiled she doubted Amy would leave she would just have to make her. "I'd listen to your guard dog and leave while I give you the chance." she pulled a knife from on of her pouches and whipped it out and smiled as she heard it wizing through the air. She chose to aim it at neither pest but at the wood of the carriage.

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