the country's calling and that's where i'm going

hai thur!

the ship of fools i'm on will sink

Bleach glanced up at the sprawling canopy and realized she was a long way from home. Well, a long way from Shadowed Sun. If she put it into perspective, she was a long way from home, too. Miles and miles away from home. But, that really wasn't the issue at the moment. What was the issue was the fact that she had been wandering aimlessly since morning and had now just become aware of where she was, which she wasn't all that sure of. This absent-mindedness was blamed upon the fact that she hadn't slept well, or much at all, in the past few days, ever since that strange encounter in the theatre. She was avoiding her subconscious like the plague, and the little amount of sleep was taking a toll on her.
With a sigh, the pale wolf rubbed her tired eyes vigorously in the hopes of better waking herself up. Instead, technicolor spots swam in her vision. They dilated and wiggled like little amoebas. When they faded, she caught sight of a small creek, and headed toward it, dragging her feet. Those damn dreams. Though they couldn't be classified as nightmares, they certainly made Bleach uneasy. And they seemed so real, which baffled and perturbed the woman. Sighing again, she scooped two handfuls of water from the creek and splashed her face. The cool water sent a shock of awareness through her, so she repeated the action twice more before sitting back and letting the water drip down her neck.
She was just about to get up and head back to Shadowed Sun when the verses drifted to her from downstream. With a glance she discovered the source; a curious fellow, wandering upstream and singing as if he hadn't a care in the world. The sight elicited a smile from the woman, and she better seated herself upon the bank so, when he reached her, it would appear as if she had been waiting for him for centuries.


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