These broken days won't last forever
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OOC: Woo! Long post Tongue

The afternoon sun warmed the tawny fur on the coywolf’s back as he trotted through New Dawn pack lands. He hadn’t been a member of his new family for very long, but already he felt better than he had as a loner. Sure, he’d had the freedom to roam wherever he pleased and do whatever he pleased as a loner, but the sense of duty and loyalty he felt as part of a pack was unmatched. There was a new lightness to Ceri’s steps, and a new warmth in his heart. He had a purpose now, beyond acting as a mere number in the wolf population of Nova Scotia. It was also comforting to the hybrid that he knew for a fact where his head would fall at night, and where his next meal would come from. There was no more dangerous mystery in his life, threatening to kill him off if he didn’t fight for his survival. No, he no longer had to fight; he could simply live.

An inexplicable curiosity drove the coywolf back to the borders that he’d found himself at only days ago, and he nearly glided over the hills in his attempt to reach it. Everyone seemed to be about their business today, providing little company for the play-seeking Subord. It would take Cerberus a while to snap out of his foolish ways, but for now he’d revel in them. Besides, his playful nature was just as much a part of him as his sense of loyalty or respect was - he could always tweak his behavior, but he’d never truly change himself. With his scruffy head held high, Ceri continued to trot along the borders, keeping an eye out for any prey that might unsuspectingly wander into his path.

An unfamiliar scent grabbed his legs then and forced them still, and his mismatched eyes flared with curiosity as well as a protective nature as they scanned the area. Another sniff told him it was another canine, possibly female, and she was from a foreign pack. Though he wasn’t of a rank high enough to demand respect from his other pack mates, his own pompous nature straightened his posture until he was the picture of masculinity. Careful steps brought him nearer to the source of the smell, until eventually a fae with a pure-white pelt wandered into view. His ears pricked forward with intrigue, and he watched her for a moment before stepping forward again. She was older than him it seemed, but not enough that seniority had claimed her youthful beauty completely. With an attention-seeking clear of his throat, Cerberus took on his typical cocky smirk as he looked the wolf over once again. Evenin’, he said, his voice deep but smoothed by charisma. Can I help you with something, m’lady? He stood still then, portraying confidence as he awaited a response from the woman. She didn’t seem hostile, but his father had always taught him to keep his guard up just in case. His mismatched eyes sparkled with happiness, however, proving to the she-wolf that he meant no harm as long as she didn’t.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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