the road not taken

Angular muzzle fell back onto snow-wet paws, and the coywolf heaved a sigh—as if she had the time to sit and mope. Her wounds stung, though they were shallow bites made from a jealous friend in frenzy and were not meant to maim her. After all, she had left them after decent service, even if she would soon be forgotten, just another face fading from memory. Her only problem was her paw, the already injured one taken between strong jaws and nearly crushed. She was glad she’d learned how to cope without the use of that leg.

Snow-dusted lashes fell over pale blue eyes, and Vesper listened to the silence for a while as the cold weather numbed her body. A thin sheet of white covered her small form as the minutes passed, but she didn’t care. She existed in limbo, waiting to see what would happen next and dwelling on her thoughts as little as possible.

A sweet scent filled her nostrils then, and she lifted her head wearily only to find an auburn-black shape leaping for her. Her tawny tail began to beat at the ground as Blind lunged for her wounds and began to lick them clean. The sensation lulled her into a sense of comfort, and a smirk crawled across her lips. It looked like her escapade had paid off, at least for the moment, and she could see her dear friend again.

She let Blind tend to her wounds for a while before her head nudged up against the girl. “I’ll live,” she murmured first, and pushed herself up into a seated position before her weak smirk faded into something serious. “Listen, we need to—” No, those weren’t the right words. What were the right words? “After last time, I was thinking…” Closer, much closer, but she had to say it and be done.

Vesper sighed. “I chose you.” She met the dear girl’s mismatched eyes. “We can run away now, like you said. Just me and you. And never come back.”

She cracked a hesitant grin. “Whadduya say?”

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