A day with Dad

OOC text here

Word Count :: +243

He chuckled at feeling her tongue lick his hands and wondered what his hands taste like after handling the wood and what her reaction would be. He suspected that it would not be good as they most likely tasted like wood, sap, dirt, bugs, slugs, and just about anything else that creepy crawls on and under the wood along with the mold and fungus.

Well, Temo said to Dalgina with concern in his voice, If you insist and feel well enough to help, I would be happy to have you help me. he trailed off. Temo knew that being sick made one not feel well and run down. He figured that she will eventually get tired and go back in to rest

Yes, the sticks are dead. It is best to use dead and dry wood for fire, there is less smoke, he explained. Then he pointed to another pile of wood separate from the others, That wood is recently dead and is not as good for burning in the fireplace, less heat and more smoke. We will use that next year after it has seasoned. He was not sure how much of his teachings will soak in, but he would be remiss in not passing on all he knew. Shall we finish stacking the wood? Temo asked Dalgina as he set her down and proceeded to stack the pile that was around the chopping block. There are other things to do today.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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