that crown don't make you a prince
And so it was done.

In practically a day, Esper Hollow had been established. It would make sense for someone to be a bit blown away by the swiftness of the change, but it didn’t really mean much to Nikita. For someone who had lived on the road, stopping and staying at intervals and on whims, it might just be another pit stop along the road. Or maybe it would be something more than that. Who knew? As long as it kept a roof above her head and food on her plate, Nikita could care less. She would simply do all she could and make sure their merry little band was as merry as they could be.

Someone could easily tell, just by looking at her in her shifted form, that she was a bit more human than usual for a lycanthrope. She favored her knife and her cello — both things left behind by the humans to be picked up by the were-creatures that now stalked the world. That, and her clothes of course. Nevertheless, she couldn’t turn her back on what some might call her roots. She still loved her unshifted form, and even her half-shifted form, though she didn’t find the use for it often. This mid-morning, however, she chose to resume her smaller quadruped form. She liked the swiftness of it; it made hunting — and eating, especially — so much easier.

And, being the so-called ‘Warden’ of the pack, she was not only charged with keeping the lands tidy and keeping the prey in good supply, she was also up to the task of keeping the borders safe. Thinking that a brunch could wait until after a quick run around the brand-new borders, she began to scout them out. They were very rough, having been developed only a few days ago. She was planning on changing that over the course of a week or so.

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