A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC shes almost too old to carry now Sad

Dalgina's tail wagged happily at his words. She would help, and Papa would be proud of her, and she'd get lots of snuggles! Forgetting that she was sick Dalgina squirmed around in his arms, eager to start. She stilled at her Papa's explanation, studying the wood curiously. The pile of recently dead sticks was confusing to the pup. She figured dead was dead, seeing no difference between new and old. Dalgina did her best to see the difference, her small snout moving as she took in deep breaths, trying to pick up the difference in smell. It was too difficult for her, the scents of the different kinds of trees blending together.

Dalgina was gently placed on the ground, and her tail wagged happily. It took a moment for her sick body to adjust to the cold touch of the olnayni again, but once that was over she felt ready to serve. Being asked what to do seemed pretty big for Dalgina. Eagerly she nodded her head, trotting proudly over to the stack of wood. Baring her teeth she grabbed one. It hurt to grip a little, but she tugged on it the best she could, over to the pile that Papa was making. She flopped over the stick, ignoring how it pricked her aches and watched Papa happily, hoping that he wouldn't notice that she wasn't feeling well.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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