one eight seven
Haha, yeah, sounds good!

He hadn't had to deal with the whole Inferni issue. It seemed to him like a good number of those he knew had trouble with the coyote pack, or else unpleasant memories of it. He felt bad for having not paid attention to what was going on, for his family could have been in danger and he wouldn't have known. Fear tied his stomach in a knot as he watched the rain, which had morphed form a gentle drizzle to a fairly strong cascade.

Kansas heard footsteps, the dull thumps of someone descending the stairs from inside. An ear swiveled backward; maybe whoever it was just wanted to go elsewhere in the lower floor. But when he heard the front door swing open and shut, he turned around, facing the girl who had just come out onto the porch. She had been sitting not too far from him at the pack meeting, and he'd seen her once or twice in passing.

As always when a girl was around him, he began to get anxious. She took the liberty of sitting down right beside him. He stiffened up a little, realizing that this probably appeared rude and uninviting. Her strikingly bright eyes and warm, accented voice, however, seemed to make him relax. It's - Yeah, Kansas. You're Savina? It's... really nice to meet you. He couldn't help but smile at her.


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