
OOC: !! D: -tap dances for you-

Vikas bit his lip when she jumped, and he thought he might have made a mistake. Thankfully, she didn't scream or claw him to shreds for talking to her. However, she was still a wreck and Vikas wasn't sure if he'd be able to do anything about that. When people were that upset, it meant something was seriously wrong and you couldn't just tell them to buck up. No, he figured whatever she was dealing with had too deep of roots for him to just magically fix by being uplifting or optimistic. Still, it hurt him too much to see someone that upset to just give up.

The stranger sat up and wiped her tears, revealing her face for the first time. She was a pretty thing, but Vikas supposed he was just partial to blue eyes, even watery tear-filled ones. The girl seemed completely ignorant of anything he had said, but in a way that was beneficial to him. He hadn't said anything particularly useful or clever. Vikas listened to her, although he didn't really understand her situation. Someone (several someones, rather) had left her, and that was all he knew. Vikas shifted uncomfortably, eventually settling down into a sitting position with his back against the log.

"I'm here," he said, turning to look at her. No, she didn't know him, and yes, he was poking his nose where it didn't belong. But hell, if he could do anything to help that was a good thing, wasn't it? "I..I know I'm just some nobody, but..I'm here," he repeated, wishing there was something productive he could do.

Vikas Limonchenko
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