Close your eyes
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The rest of the world melted away into a blur as Gabriel became the only thing he thought on. He could not afford any distractions, not even Faol who was tugging on a corner of his mind. Being the stronger of the two psychics, he easily shrugged her off and returned his attention to her crazed mate. He knew this wasn’t her fault simply by looking into her eyes. He did not blame her; this was all Gabriel. Faolin’s voice broke through the sounds of the two males’ snarlings but he didn’t bother to decipher what she was saying. Most likely she was begging Gabriel to stop, but Phoenix wondered if the Inferni male was doing this out of any motive at all.

Phoenix wouldn’t be surprised if he was just some random target simply because the son of Kaena was in a killing mood. If that was the case, then Phoenix would be doing the world a favor by putting him down. If only he’d had time for a few more lessons from Skoll in self-defense before this had happened, but already the skills he’d learned from his last two visits with the older wolf were coming in handy. As things stood Phoenix was doing a bang-up job of defending himself. He recognized pain in his arm but his reaction was more one of detached observation; he had enough experience with pain to overcome his fear of it long ago.

His limbs were relatively unimportant, really. Sure, Phoenix didn’t want to lose them, but he would rather they take the brunt of his foe’s fury than his real vital spot, his throat. And it was obvious that Gabriel was aiming just for that spot. Phoenix knew he was dealing with someone much more experienced in the “art” of fighting than him, but he was no total stranger to fighting—or killing—either. His size and strength was his only real advantage in this battle. Snarling with indignation and pure loathing, Phoenix somehow managed to curl his legs up into a fetal position and get them underneath his foe. With a roar, he shut his eyes and kicked his legs out with all his strength, but the best he hoped for was to knock Gabriel away long enough to get back on his feet. He had never tried a stunt like this before and didn’t know how effective it would be.

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