It's Come to This

Adding Honrin in with this post Big Grin | 1005

More people came and she stood still with silence as her companion. No voice to her thoughts only a nodded hello to anyone that spoke to her. Her children were terrified of her and so they should be, sometimes their safety was more important than keeping everything good and stain free in their world. They needed to know that life wasn't always fun and games, sometimes it was painful and sometimes it killed. This was the ugly side of Jace, the side that had spent hours being trained until the skin on her pads cracked and bled, until she had dropped from complete exhaustion, the side that contained the sheer will to stay alive by whatever means necessary. The side that the Beserker was more friendly with.

She was fire and ice at the same time, an unmoving statue of cold that contained roaring flames, they licked inside of her soul hungry to consume what they could. The woman turned her head the merest of fractions as sailor of the seas Neela came to sit beside her with a consumable offering to share. A soft huff was her thanks and then in response to the questioning, concerned whine a low growl was given. Drawn out long by her throat the quiet sound still managed to be menacing, a lip twitched upwards to reveal ivory fang and her meaning was clear. A battle had been fought by the dog hybrid, one that she had triumphed in. The chesty rumble ended with a short and Jace turned for a second to rest her head against Neela's in a wordless thanks before returning to her former position.

Her eyes found those of the once second in command now leader and she was unsurprised by the Tenryu's disdainful stare. She would take her punishment for her actions but they would not lessen her triumph, nothing could dampen out the feeling of fighting for the innocent. Just remembering the grateful teary gaze of the young mother was enough to carry her forwards. Her eyes and the Tenryu's were only connected for the shortest of seconds before Jace pulled her own stare away deliberately to focus upon the arrival of Sage. Like the others before her Sage also showed concern for her appearance, she lent the woman a small tilt of the head before it whipped back to face X'yrin who had begun to speak. As she did her son Honrin finally made his appearance, trotting up to her as he did.

The strange Wolfe boy stared at her hard as he took in her bloodied form but he did not shrink from her visage like his sisters and turned his golden gaze onto them in a fleeting almost harsh glace, they should know that their Mahn would never bring hurt to them. In a show of solid support for Jace he sat down at her side saying nothing and watched the Exultare woman as she circled closer. He could feel his mother tensing as the leader came closer until her muscles almost sung with their tension. He would have warned X'rin with a small growl had they been alone but in front of all these pack members he could not do so less he make his Mahn look weak and unable to look after herself.

For all the painful tightening of her muscles Jace's face did not lose its almost expressionless setting. Her head simply followed X'yrin as she took her winding path throughout the pack members though their eyes did not meet again until she was nearby. The fresh blood was beginning to dry now too, she could feel the stiffness of her fur upon her back and stomach from its gluey texture. The question she had been waiting for came finally and the woman breathed a almost silent sigh as she gathered up her thoughts to answer the upset leader, the many curious faces of her pack mates pressed in on her and she fought against the claustrophobia within her mind,

"Yesterday.." Her voice was like gravel it was so rough, scratchy and raspy, she attempted and failed at clearing it and so continued on in the same hoarse tone Yesterday evening. I was patrolling the borders as usual. When I came upon the scent of fear on the wind. I followed it back to its source and found two adult men harassing a young coyote with a tiny child in her arms. I listened to their conversation and they revealed they intended to kill her child and use her as.. as a toy for their own fun. The last word was snarled and the rumble deep within her chest came back to life adding a harsher undercurrent to her words. Afterwards they were going to take her and make her sell her body in exchange for goods. I could not allow this to happen so I intervened. Her memory of the fight was still vivid and the scene replayed within her mind, They did not take the warning I offered so I took the threat they posed to that woman, to Ichika, and I disposed of it. Her breath huffed out of her nose, They paid for their actions with their lives.

Now her voice flowed from angry to merely declarative Punish me if you will for what I have done but if asked the question of if I would do this again then my answer would be yes and will remain yes for as long as I breathe. No outsider's life is worth more than Ichika's safety. She turned her head hoping to catch Temo's face amongst the crowd but didn't linger for more than a second But before you condemn me, here what I say. I do not take pleasure in what I did, I do not pride myself on murder. I pride myself on saving two innocent lives from a cruel and monstrous fate and possibly many more from within our borders as well. Finished with what she had to say she lapsed again into a thoughtful silence.

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