that crown don't make you a prince

Restlessness drove the two year old to wandering once again. Alexey was off on her own, and who knew where Umbra was? And those two were the only two that mattered, the only two Adelaida felt that she could truly trust. And so, if they weren’t around there was no real reason for Adelaida to “stick around” either. Which left her with a lot of free time. Having already eaten earlier in the morning, and having slept all night, Adelaida was charged with an usual energy. To burn off that energy, and cure her of her restlessness, she left the shoreline of Shattered Coast at a quick pace, and that pace carried her quite swiftly towards Ethereal Eclipse.

No packs, at least to Adelaida’s knowledge, called that forest home. In fact, for the first month she had returned to these lands, having discovered the massive number of wolves and coyotes that had appeared, she had kept herself hidden out in the forest, finding that aside from a few stray wanderers no one passed through on a regular basis. It was dark and secluded and it was where Adelaida decided that she wanted to be, at least for now. And yet before she even reached the forest line Adelaida stopped short in her tracks. There were heavy scents of multiple wolves and coyotes around and this puzzled Adelaida, and she dropped her nose to the ground, trying to pick up more information.

The scents weren’t too heavily laid, perhaps there was just a band of wolves and coyotes passing through? Which didn’t quite make sense either, why would wolves fraternize with coyotes? It didn’t make sense, and so stubbornly Adelaida discarded any worries and continued towards the forest. Unfortunately, having allowed herself to forget so easily about the scents meant that when Adelaida did run into the female coyote she was completely unprepared. It was almost a head on collision, as Adelaida emerged from the a particularly thick patch of underbrush before the forest became too dense and dark to allow the underbrush to grow so well. Adelaida stopped short, lifting her head up high and smirking at the coyote that blocked her intended path. "Excuse me, a little far from Inferni, aren’t we?" Yes indeed. That damned clan was were all the coyotes belonged, if they wouldn’t just fall off the face of the planet first.


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