Morning silence.
I’m going to have Ade run off? I feel that Ade will just annoy poor Hel a lot more in her stubborn terror if we keep it going.

The laughter at Adelaida’s request would have enraged the female if she had not been so terrified. Having the knife out of sight did nothing to alleviate Adelaida’s panic. The cream and chocolate wolf knew that it was still easily accessible to the beast with opposable thumbs, if she wished she could pull it back out at any moment. What’s more, although the beast, Natt, had puit the knife away it was put away with what Adelaida could only view as a threat. She would get injured just for a sudden movement? Unable to help herself Adelaida took a step backwards at the words, but it was slowly. Her movements so slow it was as if they weren’t happening. And the shifted female seemed to be growing more and more frustrated with Adelaida. As the female shut her eyes and sighed Adelaida silently took another step backwards. Anything to buy another inch or two between her and the were wolf.

Question came from the mouth of the female, and Adelaida was surprised at them. Couldn’t she see the size difference? Didn’t she know that weapons, of any sort, held in the hands against one who had no weapons was threatening? Demanding answers and telling the other not to move, didn’t she know that too was hostile? Sneaking up on her while she was innocently wandering the woods... Natt’s list of infractions was growing longer. Yet Adelaida attempted to compose herself even further, which was largely unsuccessful. "Y-yes, because you are a shifter. I have never seen o-one before now." Adelaida spoke truthfully, and thought she attempted to speak calmly it came out just as shaken as before. Yet as she spoke she moved further back at a snail’s pace, and the fact that Natt either didn’t notice or didn’t care comforted her. Another inch or two and she’d be free. "You w-ouldn’t need to carry a w-w-weapon if it weren’t for o-thers like..." But she had the space now and with a quickness she had no idea she possessed she turned and fled. One thing she knew, was that two legs were not as quick as four, and so Natt would never hear the end of the sentence Adelaida spoke, which was that Adelaida firmly believed that knives were only good against others like Natt, the two legged beasts who insisted on terrorizing her.


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