one amongst many

Word Count → 262 :: Sorry about this wait!

The other male was immediately on the defensive, though Drakien couldn't rightly blame him; he disliked people sneaking up on him as much as he disliked sneaking up on people. This time it couldn't be helped, however, and he made sure to keep a respectable distance between them, a smile pulling at his maw. "I was out gathering herbs," He said, and hefted the bag on his shoulder to show the male, and to prove that he'd not come for malicious reasons. As he considered the question, however, he gave a small shrug and a somewhat sheepish grin. "I was beginning to hunt, however, before I realized I'd scared everything off." And that was why he was so apologetic, for the most part. Here this male was, out hunting, and he'd most probably frightened everything before the stranger even set out.

Carefully, he took a few steps forward, stepping as lightly as he could with his hefty frame and moved around to the male's side, still the same distance away but practicing his step. After a moment, he'd gotten it down, and he brushed a hand through his long hair. "I am sorry for ruining your hunt," He said, and turned his head away, flicking an ear idly. "I'll leave you to it now." He began stepping away, setting his feet precisely and looking out for anything that might give him away before he set his feet down. Perhaps he could find a deer, and then he might seek this male out to share the kill, as he'd never enjoyed eating alone.

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